Daughters of Sparta

Daughters of Sparta

A book that I could not put down, that I could not wait to have in my hands and turned one page after the other. The stories of Helen and Clytemnestra, the daughters of Sparta, are given in such a beautiful way by the writer. Two sisters, two princesses designated to rule and change the course of history in Ancient Times.
Be a Bawse…

Be a Bawse…

Be a Bawse… And Dare to Conquer your life! This line kept repeating in my mind this morning during my 5a.m. Plyo Workout! (and trust me, when you do plyo…you…
Overnight Success…

Overnight Success…

A book with a very intriguing title indeed! Who wouldn’t want to become a success in one night? To enjoy money and fame and be on the spotlight as an…