
The Quinoa Salad…

Everyone has been talking about Quinoa lately…I am a healthy eater and I do love my gym and my workout sessions every  day but there was a lot of buzz about the benefits of quinoa. Well, I just thought “here we go again! Another product which everyone will go crazy and someone will make a lot of money until the next product is out!”

So I did a little bit of research (simple stuff on google!) and the first thing I found was the benefits. 

Here are seven health benefits of quinoa:

  • Quinoa is one of the most protein-rich foods we can eat. …
  • Quinoa contains almost twice as much fiber as most other grains. …
  • Quinoa contains Iron. …
  • Quinoa contains lysine. …
  • Quinoa is rich in magnesium. …
  • Quinoa is high in Riboflavin (B2). …
  • Quinoa has a high content of manganese.

But really what I did not know was that the quinoa is not something new. It was actually used thousands of years ago by the Incas and it was considered to be their superfood when they were on missions expanding their empire. (Well those days the main target was to build and expand your empire so I guess the warriors did need superfood). But then I found out that NASA considers quinoa as a superfood for the nutrition of astronauts! Well well! From the Incas to the astronauts! Well, here we are talking about a first class superfood and not just another product. Plus I thought quinoa was just a grain, but it not actually a grain. It is considered to be a pseudocereal which is able to be mixed with other foods and also you can grow it in a controlled environment. 

So having read all the above facts (and researching some images of quinoa salads online, as image is always important) I decided to give it a try. 

Saturday lunch is dedicated to my younger brother at our favorite spot, Alea Lounge Bar by the sea and under the sunshine. I ordered my salad and I was thrilled by what I saw (the photo you also see right now). But what got me excited was the first bite. The combination of the goat cheese, the quinoa, the dried frutis, cranberries, raisins and greens was simply divine. To my amazement I could not finish it all. And the best part, I felt full and had precise taste of everything that was in my Quinoa Salad. That was it! This is what I am having every Saturday for lunch with my brother (although he sticks to his chicken breast and sweet potatoes). After my 2 hour work out in the morning, I treat myself with my protein booster and it makes me feel so so good! 

Advice to all! When everyone is buzzing about something healthy…well make a quick research and try it instead of questioning it and postponing getting a taste! I cannot believe what I was missing for so long as I am a very protein needy person! 

Here is to Quinoa, our new protein full superfood! 


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