The ‘Endless Summer’ of Charis Tsevis…

The ‘Endless Summer’ of Charis Tsevis…

The ‘Endless Summer’ of Charis Tsevis…

When I received an email with my invitation about the art exhibition of Charis Tsevis at Almyra Hotel in Paphos, I was a bit provoked. Not by the name, not by the idea of the actual exhibition opening being outside by the pool (which I found a great idea) but on that invitation there was a sample of the work of the artist.

I kept staring at it for a bit and I was puzzled! Suddenly I had so many questions and I was finding so many messages in what I was looking at… and we are still talking about that invitation and that piece of work that resembled a group of people sat by the pool…

I was trying to figure out if the works were made as a mosaic or if they were just pieces of paper cut and glued on the canvas. What I was about to discover on Friday night would definitely amaze me for once and for all!

Being outdoors by the pool of the Almyra Hotel with a light breeze on a September night was absolutely magnificent. The works were placed securely on the pillars around the pool and people could enjoy the works walking around with a glass of wine in hand or sitting on the comfortable pool beds and stare at this different state of art exhibition. I mean the title of it is ‘Endless Summer’ so I could not think of a better set up for it.



There were women… on the canvas… there were the faces of many beautiful women… still those many women were the same face… Those faces were resembling Greece… They smelled Greece with her glorious sun, the light, the blue of the Aegean everywhere… and yet there were touches from parts of other sides of the globe from another era…



The paintings were digitally created and printed on the canvas… and every piece of the puzzle on that canvas is different… and every piece on that canvas has a story to tell you… Tsevis makes art that speaks to you for hours and days to come… having one of his paintings in your living room will not just give you joy or make you miss summer days… the actual painting ‘talks’ to you and asks you to stare at it in depth… to find out what each piece of the puzzle has to tell you… to understand why each piece was originally placed there… and this is what makes Charis Tsevis such a fantastic artist.

Let me explain to you what I mean…

When someone is looking at his painting called ‘Paphos’ 2017, he can see the face of a very beautiful woman… when you look careful though you will find out that every single piece of the puzzle is actually a photo from places all around Pafos. I was so excited when I found out a piece that had the Pafos lighthouse on it, then the mosaics, then a bit of the sign of the Hondros tavern and then I realized that down at the bottom the images were creating a sea shell while it was hiding nicely in the entire image of the beautiful woman…



Mission completed Charis Tsevis… you definitely captured our interest and set your artistic spells toward us to ask to see more of your work.

As I am not an expert on Art, all the above are my personal opinions and experiences at the opening of the exhibition. Sitting now in the Danae room of the Almyra Hotel where the exhibition is held until the 21st October 2018, I feel lucky that I can have one more look to the other works around me. Plus I just found out that Charis is also creating wearable art such as scarves…

You need to see by yourselves to really understand the amazing work of this artist…

For now… I will just rest my eyes on his works and try to find some more of the hidden meanings…

If you wish to find out more about Charis Tsevis or buy his works you can visit his website:

p.s (Natasha Peleties, once again you managed to surprise us with your innovative ideas! That is why the Almyra Hotel has become a synonym of not just luxury but culture as well! Congratulations!)
