How to make it happen…

How to make it happen…

How to make it happen…

Monday, 30th March 2020…It is 7:40 a.m. and I have just finished the second book by CEO & Founder of beauty empire RODIAL and NIP+FAB, Maria Hatzistefanis (noticing that I need a second cup of coffee) and oh boy! What a great read! I mean I was thrilled finishing ‘Overnight Success’ – her first book, but this one is just amazing! I devoured the book within this weekend!

What I loved about the book is the honest and pure way Maria writes and explains things. The way she built her beauty empire and how it took her eighteen years to get to where she is now, repeating it many times that, there is no such thing as an overnight success.

Through her own examples and experiences, we learn so many things that we can also follow or at least try!

This is a self-made woman, mother, entrepreneur, wife who does not neglect to admit that she started her business at the back room of her house, moving to her luxurious offices in London and by saying way too many ‘yesses’ she would nearly collapse financially but guess what? She did not because she never stopped making a hustle while putting all the hard work needed, the hours and the ‘make it happen’ attitude. Does that mean she never failed? Of course, she did! And she admits it! I mean the full title of the book is ‘How to Make it Happen, turning failure into success’. Yes, you will fail multiple times but as Maria says, reset, focus again, set new goals, plan your strategy and attack!

The book has ten wonderful chapters written in such a friendly reading tone with great sense of humor and such useful advice. At the end of every chapter, Maria going a step further, gives us extra tips to remember by adding her ‘Make it Happen Secret #’. I love this part! It makes you want to read chapter after chapter in order to go to the end to get that useful advice!

What I keep from Maria’s book is the way she handles everything in life! From work and family, to her own self development, the social media, her Rodial team and the way she places herself in this world.

She is indeed a very organised person who loves working while combining all the time she has for her family. She represents a lot of us who have busy careers when she dares to write about the fact that she cannot always take her kids to school or bake those cookies for that charity sale at school.

I know, I have bought cookies from the local bakery and gave them to my son to take to school because I was landing home the night before and I could not bake! No regrets there and thank you Maria for sharing.

“To everyone who ever rejected me, a big thank you for making me the person I am today.”

This is how the book starts…and I love it! Maria is one of the people who knows rejection better than anyone. It took her seven whole years to make it for her products to be placed at a high-end cosmetic store. For seven years she would hear ‘no’ or ‘we do not have the space’…what did she do? Did she become resentful? Nope! Not Maria! She did not settle! She continued calling them back, emailing them, asking whether the next year she could place her products until she got a positive answer! She did not settle; she did not become resentful and she did not lose her motivation. On the contrary…she admits that all the rejection she got amounted to her biggest motivation to keep going to make it happen!

Why? Because from the very beginning she had and still has a vision (which many people do not!) and she kept her focus on making that vision becoming a reality!

How did she make it happen? How can we make it happen?

  1. Have a vision, a goal and a dream.
  2. Stay focused on the above.
  3. Organise your time wisely.
  4. Don’t settle for anything else that comes in the way, only for the best!
  5. Keep motivating yourself especially in those times that all you want is to quit.
  6. Read…get more knowledge! Podcasts, magazines, You Tube Videos, attend conferences, connect with people that have more experience in your field, follow people who inspire you on social media…anything related to your goal will help you get a step closer if you make your research!
  7. Wake up early and make the most out of your day! Set your alarm for 5 a.m. or 6 a.m. and take advantage of the tranquillity of the house to be with yourself and visualize your day!
  8. Boost yourself with that much needed cup of coffee!
  9. Exercise! Keep your body active as the daily workouts will give you the time you need to relax, focus and start your day in a more positive mood!
  10. Remember to take a break from time to time… from everything and everyone and especially social media! Detox!
  11. Cultivate a positive and grateful mindset! Stop comparing yourself with others! Take the positive from the people who are better from you!
  12. Have in mind the Law of attraction: What you project, you will get back!
  13. Dress to impress, always! Find your style with simple ways that will help you stand out as a professional!
  14. Choose your circles carefully as you are the average of the five people you hang out the most!
  15. Believe in yourself and do not stop until you make it happen!

Finishing this article for which I am super excited, and I hope Maria finds the time to read it, I would like to share with you a link with the amazing podcasts by Maria Hatzistefanis under the title ‘Overnight Success’. I listen to them daily as they are so cool and fun while I keep learning new things. I love the structure of each podcast and the fact that you do not need to follow any specific order, but you can pick one and listen to it based on your mood! You can find the podcasts in the following link:

Enjoy! For more, you can follow Maria Hatzistefanis on Instagram @MrsRodial

P.S (Her second season of the ‘Overnight Success’ podcasts is coming out in a few days! Hurray!)
