Achieving Success in 2021

Achieving Success in 2021

Achieving Success in 2021

Humanity faced a great challenge last year in all aspects and levels due to the outbreak of the pandemic which we all hope will be a distant memory soon.

People and businesses around the world were tested while enduring losses of either their jobs or those close to them.

When the dawn of 2021 came, we all wished the same thing. ‘Health and a much better year ahead of us!’ The vaccinations in all nations have begun and messages of hope, faith and courage started replacing the fear, the despair and the sadness.

Through every crisis through, there are always positive things coming out, as well as – one may say – golden opportunities. One of these positive things for which I assume, we are grateful, is the fact that we all had the time to re-evaluate what really matters in our lives and set our priorities straight. We all realized the value of health, family, life and time. I want to believe that when this becomes a distant memory and our grandchildren will be reading about it in their history books, we will by then know that we came out of this challenge much stronger, wiser and better.

Without a doubt, many were the professionals and businesses around the world who were very busy during these past twelve months. In fact, some organizations, rather than reducing staff levels, actually hired more personnel to cope with the increased workload. They managed to make it through a difficult 2020 while we clearly see from their action plan that they are not letting their guard down because the question which truly needs an answer nowadays is:

“How can we actually achieve success in 2021?”

I think this is a question all professionals and businesses are asking, trying to figure out which is the right key to unlock the door of success in 2021.

There is no single answer but there are specific steps to take which can ultimately lead to success.

The first step is to believe and invest in the core of your business, which is its people. Remember that those dedicated, skilled and passionate members of staff are your key elements for the success of your organization. Believe in them the same way they believe in you. Allow them to present to you their ideas and help them evolve by showing support and trust. These are your people. Your extended family. Your tribe. Your teammates.

Your second step should be to focus on your clients, and especially your existing clients. They are the low hanging fruits and they are the ones who will generate more work for your business because they are the ones with which you have already created a long-standing relationship. We need to make sure that we are offering to them top level services by actually being available as and when needed which works only if we listen carefully and sensitively. Plus, as I always say, clients always have extra work for professionals to take care of on behalf of them. They just don’t know it yet! It is our job to create that extra hustle.

A third step involves making sure you have the right people for the right job. It is extremely important for any professional to feel that they are in the right position. That is when your company will deliver great service; when your staff feel good about what they do. With projects coming in and deadlines pressing all departments, make sure your team has good project management skills. Delegating is part of the teamwork which distinguishes the success element of every company, so do not be afraid to hand over projects and contracts to your staff and see how they cope with these.

On another note, those who will be able to thrive this year are the professionals and companies which will show high ethical standards combined with a strong and a positive reputation, both locally and internationally. In a world that has changed forever, gaining the trust of your clients has never been so difficult as now, so be vigilant about the image you wish to portray and what you represent.

Even if you may think that lowering your fees for the services you may provide, this will not make much difference to your client, because when you are actually protecting the best interests of your clients, then automatically you are also protecting their wallet, and this is what they will appreciate at the end of the day. Not the amount of discount you give them, but the money you actually manage to save for them.

A business-minded organization will surely be able to achieve success in 2021 by showing international presence. With the help of technology this has never been easier. That is why there should be an increase in regard to the investment on the resources which can help all teams and members of staff to communicate and help their clients in a much more effective way.

I am sure that most of you have already started practicing the aforementioned suggestions, as I am also positive and hopeful that this is the year, in which we will be able to give the best of ourselves to the world we have chosen to serve.
